
In this webinar, Fabien Comtet, CEO of KESTIO, draws a parallel between complex selling and the successful Netflix series "The Queen's Game". As in the game of chess, there are behavioural rules and tactics to win a game.

Business and chess

Dans les jeux comme dans le business, la tactique et la stratégie sont des clés majeures de succès. Il est donc important de développer un référentiel de réflexion, de prise de recul pour ne pas faire les choses sans réfléchir dans un contexte de vente complexe.

Complex selling is a chess game

Complex selling is a chess game in which every move has a cost and must produce the desired outcome.

The shape of the sales pipeline also needs to change. The funnel is based on the main phases for winning a lead in a complex sales context.

The first phase of this funnel is preparation, making contact and finding a new lead.

Vient ensuite le moment de l’identification d’un sujet ou d’une demande, il s’agit de la qualification du lead. Il est essentiel de mener cette qualification avec réflexion. En effet, il est important de ne pas qualifier toutes les affaires sur lesquelles une entreprise est positionnée.

For example, out of 10 leads contacted, instead of keeping 8 deals and gaining 2, it may be more relevant to position yourself on 5 deals only and gain 4 or 3.

If we choose our cases more carefully, we will be focused on winning that case and therefore increase our chances of winning them.

The view of the balance of power changes the way the game is played

It is therefore essential to have absolute certainty that the products or services sold have a high added value and bring a lot to the customers.

It is also necessary to work on self-esteem and assertiveness to establish the right balance in the relationship with the client.


In a complex sales environment, teamwork is required

Debriefing, analysis and anticipation are the keys. You have to use your intelligence to deal with the situation.

There is also a need to bring in outside eyes and do business coaching rather than just reporting.

To go further you can also read this article on The key points of an effective marketing strategy.



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