


The KESTIO Diagnostic

Do you know how to assess the maturity level of your sales and marketing organisation?

This is what we propose.


Why assess the maturity level of your sales and marketing organisation?

The relationship between suppliers and customers has changed significantly over the last 20 years and not all French SMEs have adapted their sales and marketing methods and organisation to remain competitive with the giants in their sector.

The current period has further widened the gap between customer expectations and current methods.


We help managers to assess both the "fragility" of their sales and marketing system and the opportunities for improvement in the short and medium term. 


Our approach is based on a conviction: commercial performance, like industrial performance, must be approached in a systemic manner. 

En prenant en compte toutes ces dimensions, les effets sont durables et permettent d’évoluer vers des sociétés et des projets pérennes.


Fabien Comtet, CEO of Kestio

Fabien Comtet, Président de KESTIO 

We analyse your sales and marketing organisation around 7 levers:



Marketing and sales teams


Lead generation and prospecting


Proposal and signing of cases


Monitoring and measuring results


CRM and data


Business Leadership



Identify immediate areas for optimisation

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Ce diagnostic commercial permettra d’identifier les actions à mettre en place pour optimiser votre organisation commerciale et marketing et booster la croissance de votre entreprise.

It will also be an opportunity to take a photo at a given moment and to compare it later to see how it has evolved.

Newsletter Kestio : Toute notre expertise commerciale et marketing à portée de clic !