
#SalesPerformance #LeadGen #Data #Business #Strategy


Presence on social networks, making contact, scheduling appointments, sending e-mailsequences... These different actions are key moments in your sales productivity. This webinar presents various digital tools adapted to these missions to help you develop your commercial efficiency!

Échangez avec un expert sur le sujet !

#SalesPerformance #RDV #GenerationLeads #Business #Strategy


Nicolas Boissard, Marketing Director of Kestio, presents a method for making yourself visible to your prospects before making your calls!
The result? A 5-fold increase in the rate of appointments made during hard prospecting and first conversations with contacts who already know you!

#SalesPerformance #RDV #GenerationLeads #Business #Strategy


Prospecting is essential to enable a company to continue its development in a solid manner by renewing its customer portfolio. But how can you increase the number of qualified appointments for your sales staff?

Dominique Seguin, Managing Director of Kestio, presents a regular process for obtaining new appointments with potential clients and prospects.

#SalesPerformance #Management #Business #Strategy


Theoptimisation of salespeople'sworking time is a recurring concern for sales managers. At Kestio, we have made it a major focus. And the results speak for themselves: in the space of a few months, we have managed to save 50% of our sales staff's working time, which they can now devote solely to selling, finally freeing them from the least interesting tasks. This has three benefits for the company: optimising salary costs, increasing sales and improving the motivation of the sales staff.


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