
Pourquoi est-il urgent de définir votre Parcours Client Multicanal ?

1. A real will and actions...but results not always perceptible.

1. A real will and actions...but results not always perceptible.

Every day, we meet companies from different sectors and of different sizes, which have been trying for a few years to take advantage of the new opportunities offered by data, digital and new technologies in their customer approach. Within these organisations, many projects are being developed, led by the Sales, Marketing or Customer Relations teams. These projects are often relevant and carried out with great enthusiasm.
These teams implement actions (web campaigns, point-of-sale campaigns, communication, CRM deployment, etc.) and operational processes dedicated to a particular target or channel, in response to their own challenges.


As a result, managers often lack a global vision of the effectiveness of these action plans and come to doubt their effective contribution to the development of their business.

The question then arises: How can we effectively manage Customer Relations for effective and measurable results?


2. For consistent actions and measurable results: define your multi-channel customer journey!

It is necessary to articulate all these projects around the Multichannel Customer Journey (here we include both customers and prospects in the term "customer"). Indeed, defining a multi-channel customer journey is very structuring, and this, at three levels:

A. At the operational level, this allows :

    • prioritise actions regardless of the channel,
    • to focus on the Moments of Truth,
    • work to improve the Customer Experience, whatever the target

B. At the project management level, this allows :

Pace the progress of projects so that they move forward at the same rate, across all stages of the customer journey. These projects are indeed complex because they all have three operational dimensions: new processes, new tools and new skills for the teams that will use them. They are also cross-functional and affect several departments, hence the need to manage them with a common organisation, with a manager.

 C. At the level of its management, this makes it possible to :

Setting up global performance indicators. The pitfall often encountered is threefold:

    • drown under the mass of very detailed indicators (via the web the analysis tools are very precise)
    • lack of cross-sectional analysis of the performance of these action plans,
    • fail to link them to customer satisfaction.


3. Defining the Multichannel Customer Journey does not mean starting from scratch!

The projects implemented are often already operational. It is rather a question of giving a backbone to all these initiatives, by :

    • reinforcing the overall coherence of actions between channels, stages and targets,
    • prioritising projects and building the missing building blocks (processes and tools)
    • defining the indicators that can provide a global reading of the effectiveness of these new projects to a CODIR.



KESTIO currently assists several companies in defining their multi-channel customer journey, in order to improve the customer experience and therefore the recruitment and retention rates. We rely on our exclusive Welcome Experience method which allows us to define the multi-channel customer journey (stages and contact points, "moments of truth"), to measure the level of experiential quality throughout this journey, then to determine the actions to be taken in terms of improvement and innovation.

To learn more about the customer journey, we advise you to read the article "5 key points to define and optimise your customer journey". 

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