
Je veux vendre, mais suis-je visible de mes prospects ?

Il existe un biais de perception qui consiste à croire que ce que l’on voit bien, les autres le voient également.

In other words: I can easily represent my company and my offer, so my prospects can! It's possible, but not certain: so I'd better make sure I'm visible and not just believe it.


To do this, there are 6 key points to observe.


1- Plan, anticipate, forecast 

Making myself visible to my clients requires strategic thinking in order to imagine what will be the most effective, to allocate resources and to organise. It is important not to undergo but rather to pilot all the actions.


In order to answer the questions asked during this phase, I need to know my prospects well, including where they are, how they get their information, what kind of information they need.


2- Acting online and offline

In order to make myself visible to my prospects, I choose online and offline actions. As far as digital is concerned, it will be a question of identifying the sites visited, the main types of searches, the variables according to age, social networks, the existence of blogs and influencers (particularly on BtoC markets), etc.


As far as the physical world is concerned, I identify events such as trade fairs, conferences, traditional media, professional networks, etc.

The rest is a combination of the available and most suitable options for being visible. In reality, there are no good or bad choices in the absolute: what counts is to align the actions with the strategy, the marketing and sales plan: participate in a trade show or a round table, lead a conference, be active and interact on the sites visited by prospects, produce articles...


3- Adapt my speech

The perception of what I say varies according to the medium. For example, I will not communicate the same thing or in the same way if I am giving a talk or posting content on Instagram.


So I have to adapt my speech. But be careful: adapting does not mean changing, i.e. the editorial and identity markers must remain present. Adapting my message also means positioning the volume cursor in the right place, in other words, that the message is sufficiently audible (quantity and quality of messages). 


4- Consistent actions to increase their weight

Let's imagine a trade fair in November, with a stand and a speech on a subject that is supposed to interest the target prospects. To increase the impact and visibility, I plan an action before the show on the available media to prepare the ground. But I also work during and after the event in order to develop awareness.


In this way, I benefit from the online/offline leverage effect: an Internet user may want to come and see the stand at the trade fair for a real exchange, or a prospect who has attended the conference may wish to make contact afterwards via the site. 


5- Don't forget the classic supports

The digitalization of the economy tends to make people forget about traditional media. However, they remain very effective if they are integrated into a global strategy: local or professional press, posters, flyers, etc. are media that must be used tactically.

In the context of the trade fair mentioned in the previous point, I can, for example, ensure that I have articles on the subject before and after the event, plan an advertising insert in a professional medium, etc.


6- Temporality

Develop my visibility and a regular, strategic and tacticalaction that theoretically never stops.


Firstly, because there are always new prospects to whom I must make myself known, and secondly, so as not to leave the field wide open to competitors. 


What will allow me to be truly visible to prospects is therefore persistence, repetition. For Fabien Comtet, CEO at Kestio, "the house is never put away for good, in other words: you have to plan to be active all the time to be effective".


Deployment over time ultimately allows us to be remembered and to be one of the key service providers. So, if a prospect attends such and such a trade fair, reads such and such a magazine and visits such and such a website, I have to be on all three media, regularly, because the subject is not only to be visible, but to be visible in the long term. 

To develop your company's communication tools, think of the Webinar! Webinars allow you to put forward attractive content and thus enhance your company's activity. However, it requires some rules: in this webinar you will learn how to organise a webinar that will generate more participants and leads.

Pensée pour s’intégrer parfaitement dans votre quotidien d’entrepreneur et vous accompagner dans votre développement

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