
Comment mettre en place votre stratégie Inbound Marketing ?

Diffuser du contenu pour attirer des prospects et générer des leads est simple à énoncer mais réclame de la méthode pour être vraiment efficace. Une stratégie réfléchie, qui associe objectif, ligne éditoriale, compétences, ressources et planning sera toujours plus performante qu’une approche velléitaire.



A good approach is sequenced in 4 steps:


  • Attract
  • Convert
  • Sell
  • Build loyalty


Attract The discourse, i.e. the content to be disseminated, must be adapted not to the sender's offer (i.e. a self-centred vision - "we make the most beautiful plastic moulds") but to the current issues of prospects and customers (i.e. a vision turned towards external problems - "plastic moulds are revolutionising the market").


The challenge for the Inbound strategy is to find the right content for the right target at the right time in their decision cycle.


Convert To do this, you must be identified through your publications as one of the solutions to the prospect's problem. The aim is to make the user want to go further with the proposed result (and not the solution) and to encourage them to act by means of a "call to action" for example (download a white paper, subscribe to a newsletter, etc.).


The challenge for the Inbound strategy is to find the right setting for the conversion stage: the website must enable the collection of information on the visitor to continue the interaction, feed the prospect and make him want to go further. 


Selling At this stage you are finally allowed to talk about your offer and present your solution! You have to show that it meets the needs perfectly and better than the others, and in the way the customer wants to treat them.


The challenge for the Inbound strategy remains to provide sufficiently qualified leads identified as "ready", and to ensure immediate commercial support for the transformation. 


Building loyalty We can make the previous work bear fruit by transforming our clients into prescribers, by maintaining the relationship, by identifying other needs.


The challenge for the inbound strategy is to capitalise on the customers acquired and to create a sort of resonance chamber to multiply the distribution of its own content. That said, beware: the race for likes and shares is not an end in itself, the challenge remains to be heard by your target

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Fabien Comtet, CEO

Dominique Seguin, DG

Nicolas Boissard, Marketing Director


Some keys to being really effective:

To be visible as much as possible and especially at the moment when the customer needs it, multiply the actions To be identified as a source of interesting and useful information , which allows you to create an enriching relationship and become attractive.


Question your content in relation to your targets. It is best to start from their issues, their problems, their ambitions. The content should also be adapted to the stage they are at (becoming aware of a symptom, looking for a solution, selecting a product or service, etc.). To reinforce your positioning, there is nothing to prevent you from relaying related information : a regulatory change, a trade show, a technological innovation, etc. Ask yourself the question of the format, which should be adapted to the target and the stage. There are many formats available today and technology makes it easier to implement: articles, case studies, videos, infographics, white papers, configurators, eBooks, templates, webinars, slideshares, etc. 


Treat content as a business asset and follow the 5 steps to work it well:


  • Planning (the communication plan: for whom, what stage, what channel, what format)
  • Build (content)
  • Disseminate (choose channels, social networks, etc.)
  • Analyse (results, test content, titles, colours...)
  • Repeat (what works well, and reuse the content in a variety of adapted formats) 


Finally, structure the process within the company: it is an important process for the growth of turnover, a complex process which is continuously improving and which cannot be done spontaneously and punctually. It is therefore necessary to mobilise internal and external resources so that the dynamic remains active and produces results.


Content production, making your brand a medium, i.e. a relevant resource capable of aggregating leads and generate leadsIt is clearly a change in the way things are done. It means giving yourself the opportunity to do business with contacts who are interested. It is clear that this approach must be able to mobilise a large number of people internally, around marketing, sales and communication, in order to be truly effective.


The webinar is an essential Inbound Marketing tool: through its audience and its content, it can generate many leads. Find out how in this webinar:

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