
3 web sales tunnels that generate leads

Like many companies, you have certainly put in place the necessary tools to ensure your visibility on the web: website, social networks, referencing...

But do you know how to leverage these tools to generate leads? To actively contribute to your business, these tools need to be combined with a web marketing strategy, and their use thought out in a coordinated way.

Here are 3 examples of effective "sales tunnels" to generate leads with the help of your web tools.


Reminder] What is a "sales tunnel"?

If you have read our article "What if your website (finally) generated leads?", the notion of "sales tunnel" no longer holds any secrets for you!


If not, here is a quick summary: 

In web marketing, a "sales tunnel" is a "scenario" that you have thought through in advance to direct your various contacts (physical or web) to key pages of your website, with a view to turning them into identified prospects.


 It is based on 3 key elements:

  • Attractive content for your prospects, or LEAD MAGNET
  • An entry point to identify them, called LANDING PAGE
  • And an email sequence designed to turn them into QUALIFIED LEADS


How does it help to "generate leads"?

A sales tunnel is built in such a way as to provoke interactions with your potential prospects, once you have captured them and directed them to your website: a click, the visit of a key page, the submission of a form...

The aim is to move them from "unidentified visitor" to "identified visitor" (with a name and contact), and then to turn them into a "qualified lead".


A "qualified lead" is a contact with whom you are able to initiate a commercial exchange, i.e.: in whom you have detected an interest in your offer, and for whom you have direct contact details (email + telephone).

The scenario that has been set up consists of using your web tools in a strategic and coordinated way to enable you to validate these 2 key points.


3 examples of effective web "sales tunnels

Let's take the case of a (fictitious) consulting company in the field of Customer Experience.


Here are 3 examples of scenarios it can use to generate leads:

SCENARIO 1 - Self-assessment questionnaire

This scenario is one of the quickest and least expensive to implement. It is ideal for a first approach in "sales tunnel" logic.

  • LEAD MAGNET: Self-diagnosis

A potential prospect visits the company's website and reads a blog post, e.g. "3 inspiring companies in Customer Experience". A Call-To-Action(CTA) at the bottom of the article invites him to perform an online self-diagnosis on the subject. For example: "Evaluate the quality of the Customer Experience delivered by your company".

  • LANDING PAGE: Questionnaire page

The interested visitor clicks on the CTA, which takes them to an online questionnaire. (You can start by creating your web questionnaires with a free tool, such as Google Form).

Participation in the questionnaire implies filling in the mandatory fields to receive the results: Name + Email address, and possibly optional fields: Job + Company + Telephone number. (Don't forget the mandatory RGPD mentions)


  • EMAIL SEQUENCE: Summary of results

2 days after taking part in the self-diagnosis, the company sends the participant a summary of the results by email, together with a proposal for a telephone meeting to comment on the results and, for example, to define a short-term improvement plan.


  • LEAD QUALIFICATION: Making appointments

 If the participant validates the proposal for a telephone meeting, he or she becomes a "qualified lead" and his or her details are forwarded to a sales representative!


SCENARIO 2 - Thematic book

This scenario, which takes a little longer to implement, makes it possible togradually establish a relationship with a new contact and to build the company's legitimacy in their eyes. 

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A campaign Linkedin Ads on the Linkedin profiles of the "Customer Experience Managers" of targeted companies generates a flow of qualified visitors towards an Ebook with attractive content for this target.

For example, a 15-page dossier on "Customer Experience Champions".


  • LANDING PAGE : Download page

Interested visitors are directed to a dedicated page, which includes a download form with mandatory fields to receive the link to the Ebook: Name + Email address, and optional fields: Job + Company + Phone number. (Without forgetting the mandatory RGPD mentions). 

  • EMAIL SEQUENCE: Self-diagnosis

 Email 1 - Sent to people who downloaded the Ebook

A first email sent 2 days later invites them to carry out an online self-diagnosis of their company's Customer Experience.

The participant chooses between 2 options:

Option 1 

Receive a summary of the results by email

Option 2 

Be contacted by phone for a personalised feedback of the results


Email 2 - Sent to respondents to the online questionnaire

A second email is sent 2 days later, containing :

Option 1 

the summary of the results in pdf format with a "Call-to-Action" (CTA) prompting to make an appointment for a free interview.

Option 2

A proposal for an appointment for the results feedback interview, at the end of which the summary will be sent to him/her.


  • LEAD QUALIFICATION: Making appointments

If the participant validates the proposal for a telephone meeting, he or she becomes a "qualified lead" and his or her details are forwarded to a sales representative.


SCENARIO 3 - Conference support

As this 3rd example illustrates, a web-based lead generation scenario can also include one (or more) physical contact point(s)!


  • LEAD MAGNET: Conference support

The head of the company is hosting a conference on the theme "The new challenges of the Customer Experience".

At the end of his speech, he invited the participants to download his lecture material.


  • LANDING PAGE : Download page

 The download page of the conference material includes a form to be filled in to receive the material, with mandatory fields: Name + Email address, and optional fields: Position + Company + Phone number.

  • EMAIL SEQUENCE: Satisfaction questionnaire

 Email 1 - Sent on D+2 to people who downloaded the material

A first message invites them to answer an online satisfaction questionnaire about the conference.

At the end of the questionnaire, the respondent can ask to be called back by an expert to define their priorities in terms of Customer Experience.


Email 2 - Sent on D+2 to respondents

 If the respondent did not request a call back at the end of the questionnaire, a new email is sent to him/her 2 days later to propose a new personal interview.


  • LEAD QUALIFICATION: Making appointments

If the participant validates the proposal for a telephone meeting (in step 1 or step 2 of the email sequence), he or she becomes a "qualified lead" and his or her contact details are forwarded to a sales representative.

Each of these 3 scenarios enabled the company to identify new contacts via its website and to transform some of them into qualified leads that it passed on to its sales staff!

Moreover, the chances of transformation with these prospects are multiplied, because :

  • They already know the company,
  • The company has acquired a certain legitimacy in their eyes
  • The sales representatives have precise information about their profile (obtained via the form, the questionnaire and the interview)

Many variations of these scenarios are possible, depending on your sector of activity, your offers, the profile of your prospects and the marketing tools at your disposal. Start by deploying afirst scenario in "test & learn" mode to generate your first leads. You can then apply them to each of your offers and build on them!


To develop your company's communication tools, think of the Webinar!

The webinar allows you to put forward attractive content and thus enhance the value of your company's activity .

However, it requires some rules: in this webinar learn how to organise a webinar that generates more participants and leads.

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