
Do you know how to measure the customer experience delivered by your brand?

In order to improve the Customer Experience, it is first necessary to know what the customer actually experiences in his relationship with the brand or in the use of its products. What may seem simple at first glance (just ask the customer if he is satisfied, right?) is not so simple in fact: satisfaction surveys have shown their limits, and are not enough to transcribe the customer's experience throughout the entire process in an exhaustive and homogeneous way. To objectify the notion of customer experience and guarantee a coherent evaluation, there is nothing like observing the customer in the field... provided that a structured method is adopted!

Measuring the quality of the customer experience through a satisfaction survey may seem like the simplest and most effective way... But how can we be sure that the customer is really satisfied, that he is telling the truth? The multiplication of satisfaction surveys represents an additional effort in their journey and generates a certain weariness among customers. Moreover, as we saw in a previous article (Are you sure you have mastered the 3 key approaches to building customer loyalty?), the very notion of "satisfaction" is rather relative and in any case very far from that of delight.


When it comes to customer experience, nothing beats a 'hands-on' approach to ensure the quality of the measurements taken!


1- Observe your customers to better understand them

Direct observation allows us to see exactly what the customer is experiencing in a given context and at each stage of the journey, without generating any effort on their part, and without activating the subjective "personal filters" that potentially alter their responses when they are asked. The learning is thus much richer and more nuanced than in a satisfaction survey.


Several methods exist today to observe the customer:

    • eye tracking in real life" studies: we see exactly what the customer sees and we can measure what he has retained from his experience in relation to what he has seen.
    • visiting the customer to understand their needs or use of the brand's products.
    • telephone tapping during conversations at call centres or in a BtoB context.
    • video recording of consumers' lives for a week,
    • tracking a customer during a trip or a visit to the shop.
    • reading email exchanges,
    • listening to conversations on social networks and forums


However, these observation techniques raise two questions:

How to evaluate the Customer Experience observed in this way? 
How can we assess whether it is qualitative? How to determine whether the customer is experiencing moments of delight?
How can this information be processed quantitatively to model a global Customer Experience at the level of the brand's customers (or segments), not just individuals?
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2 - Measuring and analysing the quality of the Customer Experience: the WEX Score© method

The CX Score© method developed by KESTIO makes it possible to answer these questions.

To do this, we work with our clients on the Optimal Customer Experience framework: we determine all the interactions that have an impact on the customer's experience throughout their journey, and then we assign a score (positive or negative, according to a graduated scale) to each of them.


When we look at what the customer experiences throughout their journey, the sum of the positive and negative interactions allows us to model the quality of their Experience, at each stage and at the overall level.


Finally, the cumulative scores of all the customers observed make it possible to qualify each stage of the journey in terms of the quality of the Experience. We thus identify the "neutral" stages, those generating "customer delight" or, on the contrary, the disappointing moments. We model the results in a clear and readable way to allow for effective analysis and to quickly draw up concrete action plans.


The method thus makes it possible to quickly identify the stages on which the brand must focus its efforts to differentiate itself positively from its competitors by creating moments of delight, and the points on which it must catch up as a priority in order to eliminate disappointing moments.  

Discover all the levers for improving sales performance: How to activate the levers of sales performance


And to go further, download our White Paper on Customer Experience:

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