
White Paper] How can I optimise my business model?

Pour faire suite à notre série commune « Comment optimiser votre modèle commercial » avec KOBAN, nous vous proposons un livre blanc qui compile nos 6 articles enrichis d’exemples, de cas pratiques et de témoignages.
Thanks to this white paper, you will be able not only to build an effective business model but also to implement it in the field thanks to your CRM and make it last over time. In short, a performance boost guaranteed!

What will you find in this white paper?

This white paper is the result of our collaboration with KOBAN.

You have probably followed our joint series of 6 articles published alternately on our two respective blogs. At the end of this series, we wanted to offer you a "compilation" in order to have a complete and integrated vision to build and optimize your business model.


Let's remember that a sales model describes the optimal sales organisation, i.e. how to achieve the best possible balance between priority targets, the actions to be taken towards them, and the resources to achieve them. In short, the sales model is necessary for the proper functioning of your company and allows you to increase the efficiency and ROI of your sales actions.

This white paper will help you build such a model and translate it operationally into your CRM tool. Everything you need to know to implement it on a daily basis and succeed in optimising it permanently.

Pensée pour s’intégrer parfaitement dans votre quotidien d’entrepreneur et vous accompagner dans votre développement

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