
Inbound Marketing : si vous deveniez intéressant plutôt qu’intéressé ?

Si vous restez dans les schémas marketing du siècle précédent, il y a de fortes chances pour que vous voyiez votre efficacité et votre performance commerciale lentement mais sûrement s’user.


Simply because behaviour has changed radically as a result of the digitalisation of the economy. The Internet has profoundly changed the relationship between buyers and sellers, and the latter no longer put up with intrusive commercial pressure... even if they still want information.


This information, they will look for it alone and easily on the Internet, at their own pace and at the time that suits them. What counts today is to be seen when these potential leads are in the research phase. Marketing offers companies, thanks to the internet, new tools and above all a new way of proceeding that allows them to position themselves as interesting rather than interested.

This is theInbound Marketing


Why adopt an inbound marketing strategy?

First of all, from the point of view of salespeople, it is now counter-productive to go out and look for contacts or leads. It is an enormous amount of time invested for a more than random result, whatever the skills and motivation of the salesperson, based mainly on volume, in other words the number of outgoing calls. It's an exhausting, time-consuming, low value-added activity that wears out salespeople! But a salesperson should invest his or her time where it adds value: converting leads into customers. Better than a long speech, here are 10 key figures to rethink its vision of traditional marketing :


    1. 68% of online shoppers like to spend time reading content published by a company that interests them.(The CMA)
    2. 80% of decision-makers in the industry prefer to obtain information about a company via a blog post rather than via an advertisement.(Content Marketing Institute)
    3. 83% of online buyers find their suppliers on Google.(MarketingSherpa)
    4. In the USA, 84% of BtoB CEOs use social networks to find out about a company before making a purchase decision and 56% of buyers consult the blog of the company selling the products they are interested in.(Salesforlife)
    5. 89% of B2B buyers search on the internet before contacting a company, with an average of 7-9 Google searches.(Google)
    6. 66% of BtoB marketers believe that content production is effective when this content is then distributed via various channels: social networks, blogs, public events, etc.(Kapost)
    7. Leads generated via inbound marketing cost 61% less on average than qualified contacts generated by traditional techniques (outbound marketing).(HubSpot)
    8. Leads that are continued in a conversion funnel then spend 47% more than leads that have not been nurtured.(The Annuitas Group)
    9. Properly structured and executed inbound marketing techniques are 10 times more effective in terms of lead conversion than outbound marketing techniques.(Gartner)
    10. 34% of salespeople believe that prospecting is the most difficult task they have to perform.(Hubspot)


 So why adopt an Inbound Marketing strategy? Because it's what customers want and it's the best ROI for you!    


What is Inbound Marketing?

 Inbound marketing consists of organising a reverse flow, i.e. creating the conditions to generate incoming contacts, leads. In response to the trends described in the first part of this article, it is about attracting customers to yourself. It is an approach that allows you to create contact in a less aggressive way and, above all, at the right time with the right person, which will make your sales strategy more effective. 


Dans cette démarche, le marketing impacte de manière plus profonde l’entonnoir de la vente. Il ne se limite plus à faire connaitre et susciter l’intérêt, il va jusqu’à l’intention, voire l’évaluation, c’est-à-dire la génération de leads. Il invite le prospect à agir, via par exemple des « call to action » sur un site internet.


It is clear that this marketing strategy opens up a wide field of action that can also impact the internal organisation of the company by bringing together marketing and sales.

A theme that we will address on several occasions with a zoom on how to implement this strategy and the key points to be effective.


In the meantime, we invite you to follow on this blog or via our newsletter (KESTIO Insights) the various articles we will be proposing on topics related to sales performance.


The webinar is an essential Inbound Marketing tool: through its audience and its content, it can generate many leads. Find out how in this webinar:

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